Long Stay Rehandling Fee Announced by Washington Container Shipping Terminals

2024-02-26T18:10:36+00:00November 3rd, 2021|Domestic, Freight Talk, Import, Shipping News|

Washington United Terminals (WUT) and Husky Terminal that service containerized cargo to the Tacoma and Seattle areas have announced a Long Stay Rehandling Charge in order to address the issue of excessive dwelling of import containers and account for the additional rehandling of boxes to maintain terminal fluidity.


Effective November 1st, 2021, all local import units that have exceeded 15 calendar days on the terminal will incur a $315 Long Stay Rehandling Charge.

Husky Official Notice: https://huskyterminal.com/SPECIAL-NOTICES/


Effective November 15th, 2021, all local import units that have exceeded 15 calendar days on terminal will incur a $310 Long Stay Rehandling Fee.  Units will be placed on hold and payment will be due prior to making an appointment.

WUT Official Notice: https://www.uswut.com/LONG-TERM-DWELL-FEE/

The new fees come on the heels of the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach announcing last week their own Emergency Daily Surcharge for dwelling import containers.

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