Green Supports Beth Barbiers at the USDWNT Soccer Camp

2024-02-26T19:16:38+00:00July 30th, 2021|Freight Talk, Green News|

For the second year in a row, Green Worldwide Shipping® is proud to sponsor Accounting Specialist, Beth Barbiers, as she competes in Salt Lake City, Utah at the USA Deaf Soccer Association’s Women’s National Training Camp this weekend, July 27 through August 1, 2021.

Selected athletes will go on to compete in the 24th Summer Deaflympics in Caxias Do Sul, Brazil on May 1-15, 2022.

“It’s nearly impossible to describe the way I feel when I’m issued my kit at camp. Immeasurable, swelling pride? Imagine your wildest, most far-fetched childhood dream is playing for the Women’s National Team. Fast forward a comical amount of time to when a two-time FIFA World Cup winning, double Olympic Gold and Hall of Fame player is now your coach and casually hands you your gear. Unreal. The crest of your country hangs heavily on your jersey.”

– Beth Barbiers


We deeply believe that our employees are our greatest assets and adamantly support Green team members that go above and beyond to achieve their dreams.  We invite Green’s entire community to support Beth and the whole USA Deaf Soccer Association’s Women’s National Team!

Follow the team on Instagram @usdeaf_wnt


Beth Barbiers began her soccer career in high school when she joined her first intermural soccer team and with no experience in the sport, having spent years long-distance running as a track star, Barbiers found her stride easily and slid into the role of goalkeeper.

Coming from track and field, Beth naturally gravitated to running and was self-motivated in beating her personal record at all costs. Barbiers leveraged her athletic talents into higher education when she was accepted to Southwestern College of Kansas on a soccer and track scholarship.  After an unfortunate concussion, Beth changed positions to center mid-fielder and stepped into the limelight.

In 1997, when applying for the U.S. Marine Corp., Barbiers was informed through the medical evaluation process that her hearing loss below 55 decibels – a diagnosis that forced her to change course.

But despite adversity, Barbiers never lost her love of sports, shortly after moving to Atlanta, Georgia Beth started playing for club teams and excelling.

In 2016, Barbiers tried out for the U.S. Women’s track team and was accepted into the 2017 Summer Deaflympics held in Turkey. Setting records, Beth took home the glory of 6th Place and the record for American Deaflympic Women’s Marathon.

In 2018, Beth was introduced to the U.S. Deaf Women’s National Soccer Team (USDWNT) when she reached out to the team in show of support, but instead received an invitation from the Captain to play in Fort Worth, Texas and participate in their national trial camp.

This February 2019, Green Worldwide Shipping proudly sponsored Beth’s participation in the USDWNT trials for a spot on the U.S. Deaf Women’s National Team.


USA Deaf Soccer is a non-profit organization that provides deaf men and women soccer players the opportunity to represent the USA and deaf community.

Formed in 1999, The US Deaf Women’s National Team is composed of women from all across the United States and world. The team includes professional athletes from D1 college teams, elite clubs, and Olympic Development teams.

For more information about USA Deaf Soccer Association, visit

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