In 2015, Elon Musk’s aerospace company, SpaceX, announced a Hyperloop Pod Competition challenging college university teams to design and build pods for high-speed tunnels. Spanning three years, student team from around the world came together in 2016 to debut their pod designs and compete to set the standard and showcase their developments in 2017. Today, teams are gearing up for the third installment of the Hyperloop Pod Competition taking place this Sunday, July 22, 2018. The goal is speed and to beat the previous years’ record. Set by Virgin Hyperloop One, their design reached a speed of 240 mph, outpacing the 2016 winner by 20 mph. In 2018, the fastest design and team will finally be awarded the winners of the Hyperloop Pod Competition.
Among the competition, Éirloop, a 40-member team from Dublin City University, and first-year attendees had their eyes set on taking the win back to Ireland; but they faced a difficult challenge – logistics. The team had to get their pod design from Dublin, Ireland to the test track in Hawthorne, California during the week of the Fourth of July. Working with partner Quality Freight Limited, Green Worldwide Shipping stepped in to transport the 1,500 pound shipment via air, albeit slower than its impending speeds. The shipment faced time-critical obstacles due to holiday business hours surrounding the day before and day of Independence Day; however, the pod was able to clear Customs under Carnet and arrive just in time for the students to receive their pod in California for testing. While Éirloop may have been nervous, Green’s Los Angeles freight experts kept all parties in clear communication and deliver an exceptional shipping experience.
Green Worldwide Shipping wishes Éirloop the best of luck this weekend as they compete against 17 other teams in the Hyperloop Pod Competition.
For more information on the Hyperloop project, visit the SpaceX website, and make sure to follow updates and news from this weekend’s competition.
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