Green Worldwide Shipping recently completed its fourth consecutive year as a sponsor for the University of Georgia Small Business Development Center’s (SBDC) ExportGA program.
ExportGA 2023 unfolded as a comprehensive four-session, 16-hour export training program designed to equip export-ready companies with logistics skills crucial for success. Participating companies immersed themselves in an educational journey, identifying new international sales opportunities and honing their capabilities in various aspects of international trade.
Throughout the program, companies delved into crucial areas, including:
Session 1: Lessons Learned from an Experienced Exporter (August 18) | Led by seasoned experts, this session provided valuable insights drawn from the experiences of established exporters, offering a wealth of practical knowledge to the participants.
Session 2: Working with a Freight Forwarder: Your Logistics Partner & Logistics: Understanding Incoterms and their Impact (September 22) | Green Worldwide Shipping’s specialists took the stage to demystify the intricacies of logistics, emphasizing the pivotal role of freight forwarders. The session delved into understanding Incoterms and their profound impact on international trade dynamics.
Session 3: Foreign Trade Zones & Duty Drawback and Free Trade Agreements with a Focus on USMCA (October 20) | Participants gained a comprehensive understanding of leveraging foreign trade zones and duty drawbacks to enhance their competitive edge. The focus on Free Trade Agreements, particularly the USMCA, illuminated avenues for companies to navigate international trade agreements effectively.
Session 4: Supply Chain Issues & Challenges (November 17) | Closing the program, Green Worldwide Shipping’s experts addressed the intricacies of supply chain management, offering valuable insights into tackling challenges and ensuring a resilient global supply network.
The University of Georgia Small Business Development Center (SBDC) provides tools, training, and resources to help small businesses grow and succeed. Designated as one of Georgia’s top providers of small business assistance, the SBDC has 18 offices to serve the needs of Georgia’s business community. Since 1977, SBDC’s network of partners has helped construct a statewide ecosystem to foster the spirit, support, and success of hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs and innovators. The Small Business Development Center, a Public Service and Outreach Extension of The University of Georgia, is funded in part by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). The University of Georgia Small Business Development Center is nationally accredited by the Association of SBDCs.
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