
US Maritime Administration Awards $39 Million to Strengthen Supply Chain

US MARITIME ADMINISTRATION AWARDS $39 MILLION TO STRENGTHEN SUPPLY CHAIN The U.S. Department of Transportation's Maritime Administration (MARAD) awarded $39 million in grants to fund 12 marine highway projects throughout the Nation under America's Marine Highway Program (AMHP). This grant money was earmarked to boost services on the nation's [...]

Green Academy Trainees Clean Up Local Park

GREEN ACADEMY TRAINEES CLEAN UP LOCAL PARK Green Worldwide Shipping's Academy Trainees spent the day volunteering at Barker Bryant Memorial Park in DeKalb County, Georgia. The group cleaned up litter in and around the lake to beautify the park for their local community and to help the environment. Their efforts [...]

2024-03-13T19:36:49+00:00September 22nd, 2022|Green News, News, Open Positions, Sustainability|

Manufacturing Slows in China

MANUFACTURING SLOWS IN CHINA An energy-draining heatwave, COVID-19 resurgence, and tropical storms have slowed Chinese manufacturing in recent weeks. FACTORS IMPACTING CHINESE MANUFACTURING COVID-19 Tropical Storms Heatwave COVID-19 LOCKDOWN China's no-tolerance COVID-19 policy forced lockdowns in Chengdu, part of Sichuan Province, shuttering some manufacturing operations. China recently announced an [...]

2024-03-13T19:51:24+00:00September 8th, 2022|Freight Market, Industry Spotlight, News, Shipping News|

Liverpool Port Containers’ Workers Plan Strike

LIVERPOOL PORT CONTAINERS' WORKERS PLAN STRIKE Nearly 560 port container operations and engineer workers are planning a two-week strike from September 19 through October 3 due to disagreements over wages. Mersey Dock and Harbor Company (MDHD), a member of Peel Ports Group, oversees operations for Liverpool Port which is [...]

China Retaliates against The United States, Raises Tariffs on $60 billion of U.S. Goods, Effective June 1st

China’s finance ministry announced on Monday evening that it would proceed in raising tariffs on roughly $60 billion worth in American goods beginning June 1, 2019. Beijing will increase tariffs on more than 5,000 products to 20 percent or 25 percent from the previous 10 percent imposed last fall. As [...]

2019-05-13T20:17:36+00:00May 13th, 2019|Customs, Export, Freight Market, Import, News|

DOC Finds Dumping of Hardwood Plywood Imports from China

On November 13th, the United States Department of Commerce (DOC) announced final determinations of the anti-dumping and countervailing investigations of hardwood plywood imports from the People’s Republic of China. Merchandise subject to investigations included: Hardwood and decorative plywood; Certain veneered panels: Defined as flat, multi-layered plywood consisting of 2 or [...]

2018-08-02T14:00:04+00:00November 17th, 2017|Customs & Compliance, News, Updates|
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