Launched in early May, the Green Academy is a 2-year program designed by Green Worldwide Shipping® to give participants a traditional apprenticeship experience in the logistics industry.
On May 18th, Blaise Love became the second participant selected to join the Green Academy. Quickly settling into the accounting department as her first operations rotation, Blaise has already made a positive impact to the team.
“We are thrilled to have Blaise join the Green Academy. The team and I are excited to see what the future holds for her at Green. We hope to see the Green Academy continue to grow with more amazing participants such as Blaise and Timothy.”
Nick Brown, Executive VP Operations, Green Worldwide Shipping
When the opportunity presented itself to join the Green Academy, Blaise decided to join Green Worldwide Shipping in order to gain some hands-on experience in international business. The Green Academy provides a paid apprenticeship through four 6-month rotations in the core areas of freight operations. These rotations offer a wide range of practice in the essential business skills required to help advance the participants through their training & development.
 Green’s academy trainees engage in four main business operations:
Having no previous experience in logistics, Blaise quickly identified with the 34 fundamentals which Green commits their company culture to in order to create best-in-class freight experiences for every customer, every shipment, every time.
“I feel confident that the Green Academy will be a great vessel in which to pursue my goals here at Green: understanding all of the components of the freight industry as well as the unique inner workings of Green Worldwide Shipping and embodying “the Green Way”.”
Blaise Love, Green Academy Apprentice
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